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American Craft Made Baltimore 2025

American Craft Made Baltimore 2025

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American Craft Made Baltimore 2025
Baltimore Convention Center
February 21–23, 2025

American Craft Made is the largest juried craft show on the East Coast of the United States, with more than 350 artists presenting their work alongside activities,  demonstrations, talks, and hands-on experiences. Now in its 48th year, this immersive and interactive annual event held in the Baltimore Convention Center attracts an audience of more than 10,000 craft collectors and enthusiasts who seek to take their love of craft to the next level.

Participation is open to artists and makers from across the country who create work that reflects the diversity of contemporary craft. Apply now to participate in this opportunity to share your story and sell your work to ACC’s audience of craft enthusiasts and supporters.

American Craft Made is produced by the American Craft Council, one of the country’s leading non-profit organizations committed to supporting craft and its makers. ACC is a member-based nonprofit located in Minneapolis, MN. In addition to hosting large-scale craft events like Baltimore Craft Made, and offering ongoing educational programs and events for artists and makers, ACC publishes American Craft, one of the country’s leading magazines on the handcrafted.

Application Overview

Key Dates:
Application Open: June 11, 2024
Application Deadline: August 2, 2024
Acceptance Notification: September 18, 2024
Waitlist Invitations Begin: Early October
Move-In Dates: February 19–20, 2025
Show: February 21–23, 2025

Standard Booth Fees:
10x5 ft. booth = $850
10x10 ft. booth = $1500
15x10 ft. booth = $2250
Corner fee = additional $400
Additional booth sizes are available

Event Size:
380+ exhibitors
10,000+ attendees

New in 2025:

  • Location Update: American Craft Made Baltimore will be held in Halls F, G, and Swing of the Baltimore Convention Center. Long-time applicants may recognize this space as the area where BCM was held in 2023. New this year, we are simplifying access to the show by offering ticketing in the Otterbein Lobby, right across the street from the Camden Yards parking lot.
  • New Dates: February 21–23, 2025
  • Applicant Workshops and Information Sessions: Both new and returning exhibitors are encouraged to participate in ACC’s virtual workshops and info sessions about Baltimore Craft Made. Information on these sessions will be provided to artists following acceptance into the marketplace.
  • Artist Networking Opportunities: Building community is a big part of ACC’s mission. As part of American Craft Made, ACC hosts a number of opportunities for artists to connect during the event, including an ACC membership lounge and an evening artist reception and award ceremony.
  • Membership. Accepted artists receive a complimentary 1-year American Craft Council Membership offering a range of benefits including access to insurance plans designed for artists, travel discounts, a subscription to American Craft magazine, and more.
  • Additional guest passes. We have increased the free exhibitor guest passes to 20 per exhibitor.

Tips for First-time Applicants:
All first-time applicants are encouraged to attend an information session before submitting their application to the event. A recording of the session will be sent to registrants and available for viewing on

American Craft / Baltimore Application & Marketplace Information Session
Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 5pm–6pm CT

Zoom Link to Register

Special Programs and Initiatives
American Craft Made Baltimore features a special series of programs and initiatives designed to showcase and engage the Baltimore community and offer opportunities for visitors to explore the world of craft.

  • Emerging Artist Showcase
    This juried showcase of top emerging talent provides a pathway for early-career artists into our established marketplaces. With portions of expenses underwritten by ACC, professional development support, and marketplace award opportunities, this program gives emerging artists an unparalleled opportunity to grow their clientele and professional practice. Accepted artists participate in this program for three years and apply through a separate program application.
  • School to Market
    School to Market (S2M) provides invaluable marketplace experience for students in craft programs from across the country. Through underwritten support from ACC, students (and faculty) gain practical insight and exposure to audiences that help launch a successful practice after graduation.
  • More programs will be announced soon.

Jury Process
Applicants are selected to participate in American Craft Made Baltimore by a jury of outside professionals in the field. Jurors individually score each application based on work samples, application answers, quality of product images, brand, composition, and command of medium and technique. Each factor is graded on a scale from one to seven. Presentation, storytelling, and narrative also factor into selection.

Once final jury scores are submitted and compiled, ACC staff will invite artists to participate or be placed on a waitlist based on the scores of their work and curatorial needs for a balanced show. ACC reserves the right to curate up to 20% of participating artists and aims to include a mix of new, established BIPOC,
and LGBTQIA+ artists in the marketplace.

Applicants who wish to apply for multiple media categories must submit an application for each medium. ACC limits the number of applications to three per artist.

Waitlist Policy
Artists are assigned wait list numbers by jury score and category. ACC will begin inviting artists from the waitlist in early October and will continue to invite waitlisted artists up to a week before the show as spaces open in their categories. ACC cannot predict when or if a space in a category will become available, or guarantee that a waitlisted artist will receive their first choice of booth size or location.

When a waitlist space becomes available, ACC will call and leave a message, in addition to sending an email. Applicants have 48 hours (Monday through Friday) to respond whether they would like to take the space or not.

If an artist submits multiple applications, is accepted under one of them, and is waitlisted for the others, the waitlisted work may not represent more than one-third of the booth under the accepted application.

However, if the artist’s number on the waitlist is reached, the artist may choose to include the waitlisted work in any proportion.

Waitlist dates:
Early October ACC will begin to invite waitlisted artists

Event Marketing
The American Craft Council promotes American Craft Made nationwide through digital marketing, social media, email marketing, direct mail, and public relations activities. Particular emphasis is given to promotion within the Baltimore area.

How To Apply for American Craft Made Baltimore

  1. Confirm your eligibility
  2. Complete an application
  3. Pay the application fee

Applications open June 11.

Applicants must submit five images, a short bio, and additional information. Images must be .jpg, .tiff, or .png high-resolution files (72 ppi – 300 ppi) and must be representative of the body of work that will be exhibited at the event. Ideally, images must be 1400 px on the longest side. Maximum file size is 5 MB.

For more details on image requirements and uploading files, please visit this Zapplication page. Images, bio, and Q&A within the application may be used by the ACC Marketing Department to promote artists, artist’s work, and/or American Craft Made.

Exhibitors who wish to apply with multiple media are required to submit a separate application for each one. ACC limits the number of applications to three per artist. If an applicant submits an application that includes more than one media category, ACC will ask the applicant to resubmit with only one medium. For example: All jewelry images must be submitted under the medium of Jewelry. If an applicant creates glass vessels and glass jewelry, they must submit them with separate applications and images, as Jewelry is considered a separate medium from the general Glass media category.

Eligibility Criteria and Exhibitor Requirements:
  • Applicants must reside in the United States or U.S. territories.
  • Applicants must be 18 years of age or older at the time the marketplace occurs.
  • Submitted work must be small-studio production made under the direct supervision of the applicant. Direct supervision requires that the artist oversees production work as it occurs and provides constant direction, feedback, and assistance. ACC reserves the right to require authentication of the production process at any time by requesting documentary evidence.
Artists working in the following media are eligible to apply and participate:
  • Basketry
  • Ceramics
  • Clothing
  • Clothing – Accessories
  • Fiber and Textiles - Non-Wearable
  • Furniture
  • Glass
  • Jewelry - Enamel
  • Jewelry - Metal
  • Jewelry - Non-Metal
  • Lighting
  • Metal
  • Mixed Media
  • Paper
  • Wood
ACC does not accept:
  • 2D work such as paintings, photographs, prints, or graphics (including etchings and web- or sheet-fed offset printed matter).
  • Manufactured work (work made by a machine rather than the human hand)
  • Embellished commercially-made objects (e.g., tee shirts, note cards, etc.), and works assembled from commercially available kits.
  • Work that is not produced by the applicant or under the direct supervision of the applicant.
  • Apothecary or food products.
  • Work that incorporates unsustainable and/or endangered species or materials.
Exhibitor Requirements:

In addition to meeting all eligibility criteria, applicants must be able to meet the following requirements to participate in Baltimore Craft Made:

  • Exhibitors must present work consistent with the type and quality represented in the application submission.
  • All booths must have 8-foot tall “walls” that cover the interior of the entire booth. Exhibitors must either rent pipe and drape or hard walls from the general contractor or provide their own 8-foot “wall” structures. If the artist does not meet this requirement, drape will be provided at the artist’s expense.
  • Exhibitors must be present for the duration of the show. Exhibitors’ employees or sales representatives may not substitute for the exhibitor.
  • Exhibitors must have a valid state sales tax permit from each state in which they are participating. Exhibitors are responsible for collecting and reporting sales tax where applicable.

Application Fees and Booth Fees
Application Fees:

  • $45 application fee
  • All application fees are non-refundable and not transferable. The American Craft Council assumes no responsibility for incomplete or ineligible applications.

Standard Booth Fees:
10x5 ft. booth = $850
10x10 ft. booth = $1500
15x10 ft. booth = $2250
Corner fee = additional $400
Additional booth sizes are available

Booth fees include the following:

  • Floor space rental
  • Booth sign
  • Workshops and info sessions
  • Wi-Fi (limited to checking emails and completing sales transactions)
  • Exhibitor badge plus one assistant badge
  • Stock storage
  • 24-hour security
  • Listing in the printed event guide available on-site
  • Listing on the event page on
  • Free and discounted guest passes
  • Digital promotional kit
  • Free 1-year membership to ACC with access to insurance plans designed for artists, travel discounts, a subscription to American Craft magazine, and more ($60 value).

Booth fees DO NOT include:

  • Furnishings such as pipe and drape, carpet, shipping, etc.
  • Electricity
  • Empty crate removal and storage

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