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The Craft Emergency Relief Fund (CERF+) Emerging Artist Readiness Award

The CERF+ Emerging Artist Readiness Award is an annual award (over five years from 2025-2030) provided by the Craft Emergency Relief Fund (CERF+), a non-profit organization that provides craft artists emergency relief and preparedness grants as well as education, advocating for craft artists through every step of their creative journeys.

Photo by CERF+

Meet the awardees.

The CERF+ Emerging Artist Readiness Award provides a $1,000 grant to one early career/emerging artist participating in ACC’s American Craft Made Baltimore marketplace to safeguard their craft-based practice from a future emergency. Awardees are then invited to nominate a peer in the craft field who would benefit from funds to safeguard their practice, and this peer is awarded $1,000 as well.

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  • Kathleen Grebe

    I went from designing logos for NBA stars to handcrafting jewelry for the fashion-forward. After 15 years of directing design for brands like Nike and Adidas, I put my career on hold in search of creative freedom. My jewelry hobby led to an artist residency at SCAD, after which I built my own laser-cutting lab. I taught myself the art of laser cutting and now my craft combines machine mastery with conceptual creativity. The name of my brand, Bold Standard, is a play on ‘taking a bold stand’,...
