Give uniquely.
There are many ways to invest in ACC’s mission, including a number of options that may lessen your tax liability. Whether you make a gift of stock, give from your donor advised fund, give via qualified charitable distribution rollover from your IRA, or join the Aileen Osborn Webb Legacy Circle by including ACC in your estate plan, your generosity nurtures craft-centered livelihoods and the unbroken continuum of American making – past, present, and future. Thank you!

Make a gift of stock.
Giving stock that you have held for more than 12 months may offer a two-fold tax savings: you may avoid paying capital gains tax on the increase in the value of the stock, and you may also receive a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock on the date of your gift. Please consult your financial advisor to learn how making a gift of stock could benefit you and ACC.
Please give the following delivery information to your broker and notify Executive Director Andrea Specht at [email protected] when you initiate a stock transfer.
Brokerage Firm: Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
Brokerage Account Number: 398-041998-590
DTC Number: 0015
Brokerage Contact Name: David Murphy
Brokerage Phone Number: 212-613-6789
ACC Federal ID: 13-1566058
If you have questions about making a gift of stock, please contact Director of Finance and Administration Tracy Lamparty at 612-206-3117 or [email protected], or Executive Director Andrea Specht at 612-206-3101 or [email protected].

Give from your Donor-Advised Fund.
The following information may be helpful when completing your financial institution’s form to direct a gift or grant from your donor advised fund.
Legal name: American Craft Council
Federal tax ID: 13-1566058
Mailing address: 1224 Marshall St NE, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55413
Give by qualified charitable distribution (QCD) rollover.
Starting at age 72, individual retirement account (IRA) owners are required by law to take mandatory minimum distributions. QCD rollovers are an increasingly popular way to make gifts tax-free. Transfers to ACC must be made directly from your IRA or by writing a check from the IRA up to a $100,000 limit. Now that the IRA Charitable Rollover legislation is passed permanently, donors may easily plan each year in advance.
To make a contribution to the American Craft Council using this method, please instruct your IRA custodian to send a check directly.
We suggest including the following language:
“Please accept this letter as my request to make a direct charitable distribution from my Individual Retirement Account, account number _______, to the American Craft Council. Please issue a check, in the amount of $______, made payable to American Craft Council, a 501(c)(3) charity, tax ID number: 13-1566058, and mail it to 1224 Marshall St NE, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55413. In your transmittal to the charity, please state my name and address as the donor of record in connection with this transfer, and copy me on your transmittal. It is my intention to have this transfer qualify as a tax-free distribution from my IRA for tax year ____.”

Include ACC in your estate plan.
Join the Aileen Osborne Webb Legacy Circle.
Align your personal legacy with ACC’s legacy of service to craft and its makers by including a gift to ACC in your estate plan. A planned gift is often made through a bequest in a donor’s will or by naming a charity as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement account. All donors who inform us that they have included ACC in their estate plans are recognized in our annual Year in Review reports as members of the Aileen Osborne Webb Legacy Circle, named for ACC’s visionary founder.
The most common approaches to including a charity as a beneficiary in a will are residuary bequests, which are stated as a percentage (e.g. ” __% of my estate”), or specific bequests, which are stated as a fixed dollar amount (e.g. “The sum of $_______”). Residuary bequests have the advantage of remaining proportional to your estate as it changes in value.
The following language may be helpful to your attorney or financial planner in making a bequest to ACC.
“I give to the American Craft Council, EIN: #13-1566058, a Minneapolis, Minnesota nonprofit organization that is recognized tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, [ ___percent of my residuary estate] or [the sum of $_____] to be used for [its general purposes] or [endowment].”
Please discuss your wishes related to planned giving with your attorney and/or financial planner. If you choose to notify the American Craft Council of your estate plans, please contact Executive Director Andrea Specht at 612-206-3101 or [email protected]. Thank you for your generosity.
Contact us.
Questions about giving?
Please contact Andrea Specht, Executive Director, or Rachel Kollar, Development Manager.

Rachel Kollar
Development Manager

Andrea Specht
Executive Director