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Craft Forums

American Craft Forums are free online conversations that bring the community together to explore new ways of thinking about craft. Tying into the themes of each issue of American Craft, these discussions feature diverse voices working together to move the craft field forward.

Photo by Tim Frandy


Woven Through Water: How Boatbuilding Connects Communities and Cultures

This Craft Forum took place Thursday, April 13, 2023
Presented in conjunction with the Spring 2023 issue of American Craft

Watch the Forum below or visit our YouTube channel.

Look forward to spring and the opening of many of our waterways with a conversation about how water and travel connect us as human beings. Almost every land that touches water has a tradition of boatbuilding or watercraft. How do those skills, traditions, and history—different as they may be—build community and connect us across cultures? Dr. Anton Treuer, an accomplished professor of Ojibwe at Bemidji State University in Bemidji, Minnesota, and a celebrated author, will guide us through a discussion with Daniel Creisher from The Apprenticeshop, a boatbuilding and sailing school in Rockland, Maine, as well as birchbark canoe maker Jim Jones about the power and history of watercraft.

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