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The Spring issue of American Craft is now available! Get the magazine delivered right to your door.

Crafting community.

As a nationwide, membership-based nonprofit, we leverage the transformative possibilities of craft through storytelling, resources for artists, and unique experiences designed to bring makers and appreciators together.


Photo by Caroline Yang

Our mission.

The American Craft Council fosters livelihoods and ways of living grounded in the artful work of the human hand, creating a more joyful, humane, and regenerative world. 

Inclusion & equity.

ACC is committed to justice, inclusiveness, and equity. Drawing on craft’s rich legacy of openness and its deep roots in all cultures, we work to create opportunities for creative people from all walks of life.

Photo by Kelvin Bulluck

Annual reports.

Explore our work in action. Read our Year in Review reports.

Give generously.

Support the nationwide craft community.

As a national nonprofit, the American Craft Council relies on your support to share artists’ stories, create events that connect people to craft, and sustain our unique programs that help artists and makers thrive at all stages of their careers.