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Craft Happenings

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24 events

  • Exhibitions + Shows

    Making Home—Smithsonian Design Triennial

    The 25 new installations by designers and artists in this show, the Smithsonian’s seventh exploration of the role of design in contemporary discourse, examine the idea of home through three lenses: how people shape domestic spaces, how utopian and other visionary efforts challenge conventional ideas of home, and how new modes of conceiving and building domestic structures can address urgent social and environmental issues.


    November 2, 2024–August 10, 2025


    Cooper Hewitt
    New York, New York

  • Exhibitions + Shows

    The Eternal Garden: Titanium Art by Aka Chen

    Taiwan-born Chen is a major innovator in this demanding medium, which requires extreme temperatures and methods such as carving underwater with precision medical tools. Comprising titanium and gemstones, the 20 luminous pieces on display here combine the intricacy of jewelry with the fluidity and meditative atmosphere of traditional Chinese ink painting.


    November 16, 2024–April 13, 2025


    Bowers Museum
    Santa Ana, California

  • Exhibitions + Shows

    Solid Gold

    Four hundred objects—including medieval altarpieces, Japanese screens, and jewelry by the likes of Anna Sui, Christian Dior, and Gianfranco Ferré—celebrate an element that, in the organizers’ words, “has symbolized beauty, honor, joy, ritual, spirituality, success, and wealth throughout history.” The exhibition also explores the darker side of gold, including the human and environmental costs of extracting it.


    November 16, 2024–July 6, 2025


    Brooklyn Museum
    Brooklyn, New York

  • Exhibitions + Shows

    iNgqikithi yokuPhica / Weaving Meanings

    Artists in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal region have long been turning brightly colored phone wires into a range of beautiful and functional objects, including beer pot lids (izimbenge), vessels, platters, and plates, as well as ambitious sculptural assemblages. This exhibition foregrounds the traditional knowledge behind the works as well as the experiences and creative processes of individual artists.


    November 17, 2024–November 17, 2025


    Museum of International Folk Art
    Santa Fe, New Mexico

  • Exhibitions + Shows

    Following Space

    Mosley’s wood sculptures, which emphasize balance and weight, testify to his major influences: the mobiles of Alexander Calder and traditional West African sculpture. Seventeen of Mosley’s pieces are displayed alongside five of his favorite Calder works. Together, the works from the two artists “create a heightened awareness of forms in space and instill the anticipation of change,” the organizers write.


    November 20, 2024–June 1, 2025


    Seattle Art Museum
    Seattle, Washington

  • Exhibitions + Shows

    Painted with Silk

    In early America, girls from well-off families were trained in embroidery, to instill diligence and self-discipline. “A finely worked embroidery,” write the organizers of this show, “served as a kind of diploma.” About 80 of these “diplomas” will be on display, juxtaposed with embroideries by artist Elaine Reichek that challenge the imagery and assumptions of the older works.


    December 13, 2024–June 15, 2025


    Detroit Institute of Arts
    Detroit, Michigan
