Mixed Media

Hoss Haley Portrait

Grand Scale

Joyce Lovelace checks in with North Carolina sculptor Hoss Haley.

Alain Mailland Archipel

Call to Order

Seven artists explore the magic of combining multiple parts into a whole...

John Bisbee Hearsay

Sublimely Sharp

Though he says he's easily bored, John Bisbee finds nails endlessly fascinating.

Steven Siegel Portrait

It's About Time

Steven Siegel's work challenges our idea of permanence - and our place on the planet.

Mariko Kusumoto Portrait

Objects of Wonder

From fantastical metal sculptures to captivating fiber works, Mariko Kusumoto's artwork entices us to look closer.

Rowland Ricketts Locks Of Dyed Wool

Dirt to Dye

On their farm and in the studio, Rowland and Chinami Ricketts are carrying forward indigo traditions.

Therman Statom Portrait

Art Restoration

Therman Statom takes his creative process into the world, donating his time and talents to cultivate others’ well-being.

Nicki Marx #20/14B

Aloft Again

Nicki Marx’s feather works enjoy another day in the sun.

Diem Chau Carved Crayons

Independent Study

School supplies are surprising and inventive art materials. Here are seven artists who make the grade.

John Lopez Maverick

Iron on the Hoof

John Lopez had a career in classical bronze casting before scrap-metal sculpture caught his attention.