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Handcrafted Living

Gathering at the Table

End Note: Lisa and Adam Mauer Elliott share their collection of handmade tableware.

By the editors of American Craft
September 2, 2022

A dining table set for a meal with handmade tableware
Photo courtesy of Lisa and Adam Mauer Elliott

For Lisa and Adam Mauer Elliott, the art directors of American Craft, using what is made by hand connects them to the makers. For 27 years, they’ve purchased, made, and been gifted with craft for their home. Their table is set here with pieces by 16 artists, including Taeko Tanaka Perry, Sue Pariseau, Jim Sannerud, ME Speak Design, Pig’s Eye Pottery, Estelle Mauer (Lisa’s mom), and Lisa and Adam themselves. “To eat on any given day is to be nourished by the work of many,” says Lisa, “and by earth, sun, water, fire, heart, time. A simple act of setting the table becomes a dance—a gift, both palpable and profoundly powerful—of time spent noticing and appreciating connected-to-the-earth things and the people who made them. There’s a community of artists—Tom, Taeko, Leo, Alexis, Adam, Estelle, Sue, Jason, Lisa, Eric and Lori, Jim, and Jojo—in attendance at this table.”

Pieces listed in order of arrangement on table from back to front:

Large textured brown hand-built ceramic bowl
Tom Abel, Cracked Clay | @crackedclay

Wooden rice scoop serving paddles (shamoji)
from Miyajima, Japan
unknown artist

Ceramic tea pot
Taeko Tanaka Perry
(Former student of Warren MacKenzie)

Vintage teak serving trays
Succotash Retro (owners Paul and Noreen Allbright)

Small ceramic bowls
unknown artist

Wood slab sushi plates
Crate & Barrel

Pinch pot made with fire clay, stain, light glaze
Leo Tushaus

Ceramic pourer
unknown artist

Raku ceramic bud vase
Alexis Zaccariello | @alexiszaccarielloart

Reclaimed oak mat with leather bindings
Adam Mauer Elliott
@inakastudios | @earthskywaterlove

Ceramic stoneware pitcher
Estelle Mauer
(Former student of Warren MacKenzie)

Hand-turned cherry salt pinch bowl
Adam Mauer Elliott
@inakastudios | @earthskywaterlove

Ceramic plates
Sue Pariseau, Old Crow Studio | @suepariseaupottery

Ceramic bowls
Jason Kaping, Pig’s Eye Pottery | @pigseyepots

Pigment ink–printed cotton linen textiles
Lisa Mauer Elliott
@inakastudios | @earthskywaterlove

Hand-planed charred-tip Japanese chestnut chopsticks (hashi)
Eric and Lori Wright, The Wright Revival

Hand-turned reclaimed oak chopsticks
Adam Mauer Elliott
@inakastudios | @earthskywaterlove

Cherry + ebonized oak chopstick rests
Adam Mauer Elliott
@inakastudios | @earthskywaterlove

Hand-carved oak + buckthorn spoons
Adam Mauer Elliott
@inakastudios | @earthskywaterlove

Hand-carved birch spoon
Jim Sannerud, Jim Sannerud Studios

Hand-carved birch spoon
JoJo Wood | @jojowoodcraft

Woven seagrass placemats

Layered super mull bookbinding fabric as table runner
The Shop at Minnesota Center for Book Arts | @shopmnbookarts

Before you go!

We believe that making creates a meaningful world, and we hope you do, too. Deeply researched and impactful journalism on the craft community is in short supply. At the same time, being featured in a national publication can have a major effect on a maker’s or artist’s livelihood, particularly those who are just starting in their career. You can help support our mission and the work of makers around the country by becoming a member or by making a gift today.

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American Craft Editors