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LIVE DEMO: Pulp Painting

LIVE DEMO: Pulp Painting

Start date

Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 1:00pm

End date

Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 2:30pm


Minnesota Center for Book Arts

1011 Washington Avenue S
Minneapolis, MN 55415
United States

Kelly Taylor Mitchell is an artist and educator who lives and works in Atlanta, where she is currently an Artist-in-Residence with the Studio Artist Program at The Atlanta Contemporary. Kelly is an Assistant Professor of Art and Visual Culture and the Art Program Director at Spelman College. Kelly’s multidisciplinary practice centers oral history and ancestral memory woven into the fabric of the Africana Diaspora, in order to present speculative futures, specifically related to concepts of community autonomy, swamp marronage, and inherited identity. Utilizing printmaking, papermaking, sculpture, and textiles her work manifests as immersive installations, performative objects, and partnered artists books offering a venue for the sensorial –specifically smell- to reimagine rituals and rites of autonomous kin, collectives, and individuals of the Africana Diaspora.

*We are offering a reduced rate to BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) participants to honor equity and increase access and artistic opportunities for those who have historically been underrepresented in the book arts. For individuals to whom this does not apply, register at the rate listed first and, if you are able, consider making a donation when registering to support MCBA’s efforts to make reduced rates available.

Registration closes July 15.