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Web Extras: February/March 2013

Web Extras: February/March 2013

Web Extras: February/March 2013

February/March 2013 issue of American Craft magazine
2012 ACC Among Fellows Exhibition

The ACC’s “Among Fellows” exhibition at SOFA Chicago. Photo: Elizabeth Ryan

As seen in the February/March 2013 issue of American Craft magazine...

SOFA Revisited
In November the American Craft Council hosted an awards ceremony and exhibition at SOFA Chicago to honor the 2012 ACC award winners, whom American Craft introduced in the Oct./Nov. "Masters" feature. If you couldn’t attend, you can catch a video of Museum of Contemporary Craft curator and American Craft Council trustee Namita Gupta Wiggers giving a tour of the show, which she organized.

Show Artist Videos
The American Craft Council show season is nearly upon us, with Baltimore wholesale kicking off February 20. At each show we get a chance to shoot video interviews with ACC show artists – many of whom you’ll recognize from these pages – and we’ve created a special playlist online. Log on to view clips of jewelry artist Jennifer Merchant [Oct./Nov., “The Next Big Thing”], glass and metal artist Evan Chambers, and more.

Sweet Success
The magazine you hold in your hands is near and dear to us, and recently we were delighted to celebrate it. The occasion? American Craft took home 16 awards at the 2012 Minnesota Magazine and Publishing Association’s annual gala. The magazine swept the Editor’s Letter and Feature Article categories and received Gold Awards for both Overall Excellence and Overall Design. Learn more and see the articles that earned accolades.

Craft in Context
The intersection of craft and design will be central to this year’s American Craft Council retail shows in Baltimore, Atlanta, St. Paul, and San Francisco. Visitors will get a firsthand look at Make Room: Modern Design Meets Craft, a series of craft-inspired vignettes created by local designers in each city, featuring pieces by ACC show artists. Check out a a sneak preview of the Baltimore and Atlanta spaces, as featured in the show preview insert.

From the Studio
Craft artists are masters at making, but the business side of being an artist can be challenging. How do you know your prices are appropriate? Should you raise money with a Kickstarter campaign? A group of ACC show artists is tackling these questions and more in the guest blog series From the Studio. Are you an ACC artist who would like to contribute? Email Elizabeth Ryan for more information.


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