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Video: Alice Kagawa Parrott Essay Preview

From American Craft Inquiry - Volume One, Issue Two

Video: Alice Kagawa Parrott Essay Preview

From American Craft Inquiry - Volume One, Issue Two
Alice Kagawa Parrott drying yarn

Our second issue of American Craft Inquiry is out now, and one of the gems you'll find inside is an essay by contributing editor Sarah Archer. She describes encountering Alice Kagawa Parrott, a fiber artist, ceramist, and ACC Fellow, in the ACC Library and Archives. Archer says: 

Even viewed through the tiny compositions of the ACC’s archival slides, Parrott’s vibrant palette and the fuzzy geometry of her weavings are irresistible.

Hear more from Archer in the video above and be sure to subscribe today to read her full essay with the beautiful photos that accompany it.

