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Writer's Guidelines

Writer's Guidelines

Guidelines and Story Idea Submissions

We welcome your ideas for stories in upcoming issues of American Craft!

American Craft celebrates the diversity and ingenuity of craft in America and its makers. We feature work—in clay, wood, glass, textiles, metal, and more—that improves our lives and shapes our communities. From handcrafted pieces we use in our homes and wear every day, to the fine craft honored in museums and the way communities come together around it to make a difference, we cover work that inspires us to think differently, appreciate our surroundings, and connect with our fellow humans. We help readers see the value of living with and supporting craft, understand its ethics and aesthetics, and learn how it supports local economies and contributes to a more joyful and humane world.


  • American Craft publishes reported articles, essays, and opinion pieces. We go through a rigorous editing process to produce polished writing that's meaningful, timely, and relevant.
  • We ask that you look at past articles in the magazine (many can be found here), review these guidelines, and consider our upcoming themes (also below) before sending us your ideas.
  • Are you an artist who wants us to know about your work? Great! Please let us know if you think there's an upcoming issue where your work would fit particularly well. We often discover artists we want to cover, then go out and find a great writer for the story.
  • Stories are generally assigned at 400–2,000 words. Our pay is $.50–$1.00/word, depending on the assignment.
  • We welcome a diversity of voices and feature a wide array of artists and makers. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, ancestry, disability, family status, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation, or for any other reason.


The magazine is for people who value the handcrafted over the manufactured, artists, collectors, and independent thinkers with a keen interest in the creative process—including materials, techniques, and processes. These readers recognize the many design choices they have in everyday life—in their creative work, the artful objects in their homes and workplaces, the clothing they wear, and the media they engage with. The core audience of American Craft values community, sustainability, authenticity, ingenuity, and well-made things.


We value writers who can craft content for a general creative audience with clarity and insight. We love good reporting, incisive quotes, lively storytelling, and meaningful essays. Writers should take special care, when touching on craft theory or history, to write clearly, for a non-academic audience.

Many American Craft writers have experience as arts journalists, are thorough in their reporting, and write with depth and nuance. We also love working with artists and other craft professionals who have particular insights or knowledge to impart to readers of American Craft. The ideal writer can be counted on to:

  • keep us apprised of changes in story concept at the reporting stage
  • write to the agreed-upon length
  • meet all deadlines
  • collaborate on editing, responding quickly to questions and suggestions  
  • help to gather images when necessary


We welcome queries (using the form below) that sum up in a paragraph or two the most interesting aspects of a proposed story. If possible, please also include reference links and images with your pitch. We aim for a well-written magazine, and one that is also visually impactful.

We are interested in:

  • Artists—whether emerging, mid-career, or seasoned—who use unusual materials; have discovered a new technique; have traveled unusual paths in their work; are going through a transition, reaching a pinnacle, or facing a challenge; are working in collaborative partnerships; and more.
  • Craft that brings together a community for a good purpose.
  • Craft that reflects values of sustainability, community, and social equality.
  • Handmade goods that are beautiful, innovative, and affordable.
  • Materials.
  • Processes.
  • Ideas. How is craft evolving to meet the moment?
  • Galleries that specialize in craft.
  • Museums, schools, and organizations advancing craft in interesting ways.
  • People who’ve collected craft and art objects in a unique way.
  • Craft destinations—places people can visit to see and experience craft.
  • Books, films, podcasts, exhibitions, and shows of interest to a broad craft-loving audience

Storytelling approaches include:

  • Feature Profiles: in-depth articles about up-and-coming American makers.
  • Crafted Lives: profiles of people who have made the handcrafted a priority in their homes and daily lives, whether architectural craft, tableware, a single sculpture, or an entire collection.
  • In My Studio: magazine articles and videos in which artists share how their studios support their creative lives and livelihoods.
  • How I Made It: a showcase for skilled artists to share with readers the processes involved in making, including materials, processes, and inspiration.
  • Object Story: the story of a meaningful, handcrafted object you cherished.
  • Source Material: a close look at the materials artists use to make their work.
  • Community of Makers: the story of a craft collective or organization that makes a difference in its community.
  • Spotlight: a profile of a school, gallery, or publisher, where readers can explore more craft.
  • Craft Happenings: a curated list of important exhibitions, shows, and other craft events across the country, with an expanded list online.

We review pitches after the deadlines listed below.


Winter 2025: Interior.  CLOSED

Spring 2025: Emerge To emerge is to break out and be revealed. So, in this issue, we explore craft that surprises and delights as it comes out of the kiln or hot shop, as well as fresh trends in other mediums. We feature craft for the garden and clothing made by heritage manufacturers and artisans that’s perfect for stepping out in spring. And we introduce what’s new with profiles of up-and-coming makers and stories about exciting developments in museums and galleries.

Special coverage

  • Museums
  • Ceramics
  • Glass

Submission pitches due: August 12, 2024

Summer 2025: Retreat. A retreat is a place of refuge, where rest and relaxation can leave us feeling refreshed and creatively inspired. In this celebration of summer, we explore craft-centered sanctuaries, such as small towns built around craft and an artist’s studio that’s been designed as a haven. We also showcase handcrafted work that supports reconnection with yourself and others: outdoor furniture and games, a table around which friends and family can gather, and items to help you create a spa at home.

Special coverage

  • Travel
  • Wood
  • Metal

Submission pitches due: November 11, 2024

Fall 2025: Adorn. To adorn is to embellish or enhance. In this issue—on newsstands during early gift-buying season—we explore handcrafted wearables, such as design-forward clothing, daring hats, fine jewelry, and handwoven scarves. We highlight the makers creating modern wares for our homes, including tableware for celebrations. We also feature artists whose work pushes the boundaries of surface adornment—and craft collectors who favor their highly patterned work.

Special coverage

  • Jewelry
  • Fashion
  • Craft Collections

Submission pitches due: February 10, 2025

Winter 2026: Dream In addition to being part of a beautiful night’s sleep, dreaming is an essential element in the process of making and in designing a life surrounded by the handmade. In this issue we reveal the dreams and visions of America’s makers, schools where those visions are nurtured, and the imaginations of designers and gallerists who help bring craft into our lives. We highlight the craft of the bedroom, from furniture to lamps to bedding. And—in this start to the 250th anniversary year of the formation of the United States—we investigate how craft has played a role in the evolution of the American dream.

Special coverage

  • Education
  • Furniture
  • Quilts

Submission pitches due: May 12, 2025

Submission Form


Please use this form to submit your story idea to the American Craft editorial team.