College of Fellows

Mark Lindquist Portrait

Mark Lindquist

Mark Lindquist is a woodturner and sculptor based in Quincy, Florida. He was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2007.
Mediums Wood Recognition College of Fellows
Marilyn da Silva Portrait

Marilyn da Silva

Marilyn da Silva is a metal artist and professor of jewelry and metal arts at the California College of Arts in Oakland. She was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2007.
Mediums Metal Jewelry Recognition College of Fellows
Kiff Slemmons Portrait

Kiff Slemmons

Kiff Slemmons is a jewelry artist who favors non-precious and found materials, often valuing the metaphoric or poetic potential of her creations over their wearability. She was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2006.
Mediums Jewelry Recognition College of Fellows
Howard Ben Tré Portrait

Howard Ben Tré

Howard Ben Tré is a contemporary sculptor known for his many large-scale public commissions in glass. He was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2006.
Mediums Glass Recognition College of Fellows
Glenda Arentzen Portrait

Glenda Arentzen

Glenda Arentzen is a studio goldsmith and designer based in New York City. She was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2008.
Mediums Jewelry Recognition College of Fellows
Arturo Sandoval Portrait

Arturo Alonzo Sandoval

Arturo Alonzo Sandoval is fiber artist and educator known for incorporating recycled materials into his works. He was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2007.
Mediums Fiber Recognition College of Fellows
Ana Lisa Hedstrom Portrait

Ana Lisa Hedstrom

Ana Lisa Hedstrom is a fiber artist known for her adaption of traditional Japanese shibori dyeing techniques. She was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2003.
Mediums Fiber Recognition College of Fellows
Tom Joyce Portrait

Tom Joyce

Tom Joyce is recognized as a leading contemporary blacksmith and is highly regarded for his metal sculptures. He was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2003.
Mediums Metal Recognition College of Fellows
Norma Minkowitz Portrait

Norma Minkowitz

Norma Minkowitz is a contemporary artist known for her representational mesh sculptures and wearable pieces. She was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2003.
Mediums Fiber Recognition College of Fellows
Flora Mace and Joey Kirkpatrick Portrait

Flora Mace and Joey Kirkpatrick

Joey Kirkpatrick and Flora Mace are artists who have maintained a collaborative practice since meeting at the Pilchuck Glass Studio in 1979. They were jointly elected Fellows of the American Craft Council in 2005.
Mediums Glass Mixed Media Recognition College of Fellows
William Morris Portrait

William Morris

William Morris is a retired glass artist recognized for his technical virtuosity and close ties to the Pilchuck Glass School. He was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2007.
Mediums Glass Recognition College of Fellows
Tony Hepburn Portrait

Thomas Hepburn

Thomas "Tony" Hepburn was a sculptor, educator, and writer recognized for his conceptual contributions to the field of ceramics. He was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2008.
Mediums Clay Recognition College of Fellows
Thomas Loeser Portrait

Thomas Loeser

Thomas Loeser is a woodworker and art professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2012.
Mediums Wood Furniture Recognition College of Fellows
James Tanner Portrait

James Tanner

James Tanner is a multimedia artist and professor emeritus at Minnesota State University, Mankato. He was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2003.
Mediums Clay Mixed Media Metal Recognition College of Fellows

Gyöngy Laky

Gyöngy Laky is a sculptor and educator based in San Francisco, California. She was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2008.
Mediums Fiber Mixed Media Recognition College of Fellows

Ginny Ruffner

Ginny Ruffner is a sculptor who creates work in a variety of mediums, but is most known for her use of lampworked glass. She was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2010.
Mediums Glass Mixed Media Recognition College of Fellows

Alphonse Mattia

Alphonse Mattia is a studio furniture maker based in Fall River, Massachusetts. He was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2005.
Mediums Furniture Recognition College of Fellows

Akio Takamori

Akio Takamori was a ceramic artist and treasured educator known for his large painted clay figures. He was elected a Fellow of the American Craft Council in 2006, and died in 2017.
Mediums Clay Recognition College of Fellows