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Make Room Designer Spotlight: Alejandra Dunphy

American Craft Show in Atlanta, 2017

Make Room Designer Spotlight: Alejandra Dunphy

American Craft Show in Atlanta, 2017
Alejandra Dunphy

Alejandra Dunphy

Courtesy of Alejandra Dunphy

What's the name of your design firm? A|D Studio

What decade did you select and why?
The 1960s was a fascinating, innovative period with new ideas and aspirations. This decade was inspired by the international modernism movement, with its timeless and classic interiors. I have always admired the '60s for bringing simplicity and elegant interiors to the fore.

What is your vision for the space?
My vision for the space is to create a lounge-area vignette inspired by the playful and bright pop art movement. Using large scale art, contrasting colors, textures, and iconic furniture pieces, my vignette will display the essence of the 1960s.

What attracted you to the craft objects you’re featuring in your vignette?
Modern, clean-line principles can be seen in furniture and accessories designed in the 1960s. Designers like Charles Eames, Warren Platner, and Arne Jacobsen created classic, timeless, and elegant pieces. The craft objects I selected for my '60s vignette are elegant, warm, and playful. The bright colors used in the linear sculpture remind me of Andy Warhol’s pieces.

What's your favorite design tip?
When I design a space, I think of elements that create a focal point. I add layers of design to enhance and create balance within the space.

What ACC show artists' pieces are you featuring?
Left to right: Dana Ross, Albert Hall IV, and Myra Burg

Alejandra Dunphy show artist picks

