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Make Room Designer Spotlight: Leah Atkins

American Craft Show in Atlanta, 2017

Make Room Designer Spotlight: Leah Atkins

American Craft Show in Atlanta, 2017
Leah Atkins

Leah Atkins

Courtesy of Leah Atkins

What's the name of your design firm? Leah Atkins Design

What decade did you select and why?
I selected the 1950s because the style of that era still feels very relevant to today's design. The '50s were a time of change in the design world. The traditional '40s quickly developed into the modern '60s. In the '50s, both styles were embraced (often in the same space). I love this mixture of styles and still use it today. Mixing modern pieces with more traditional accents can often give a room a rich and collected feel.

What is your vision for the space?
I am using curves as a key design aspect in the space as well as playing with a mixture of different styles.

What attracted you to the craft objects you’re featuring in your vignette?
I chose craft objects based on the inspiration image; each item plays off the black-and-white color palette, the smooth curves, and the modern aesthetic of the photograph. I am so excited to work with these gorgeous pieces.

What's your favorite design tip?
Always push yourself outside of your comfort zone. You don’t know what you’re missing until you try something new.

What ACC show artists' pieces are you featuring? Clockwise from left: Tyler Stinson, Joe GraciAnn Klem


Atkins craft choices

