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Make Room Designer Spotlight: Willem Stear

American Craft Show in Atlanta, 2017

Make Room Designer Spotlight: Willem Stear

American Craft Show in Atlanta, 2017
Willem Stear

Willem Stear

Courtesy of Willem Stear

What's the name of your design firm? Tonic Design Studio

What decade did you select and why?
I was drawn to the 1940s because it was such an interesting time, when design (and life) was affected by World War II. There was a visible restraint, but also a tendency to use bright, bold colors and patterns. There was so much happening in terms of innovation and using new materials – like the iconic Eames plywood chair, which was a direct result of Charles Eames making molded plywood splints for the US air force and experimenting with molding materials to comfortably suit the human form.

What is your vision for the space?
One of my inspirations for my vignette is the iconic Martinique wallpaper by Don Loper that was used in the Beverly Hills Hotel. I want to create a feeling of 1940s Hollywood glamour: sipping martinis on a cool summer evening while discussing Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca.

What attracted you to the craft objects you’re featuring in your vignette?
I’m naturally drawn to strong, bold elements, so picking craft objects is more of a feeling rather than a conscious decision.

What's your favorite design tip?
Don’t be afraid to mix different styles. It feels more authentic and allows the personality of the homeowner to show.

What ACC show artists' pieces are you featuring? Clockwise from top: Aaron BaigelmanNancy Kubale, and Christine Kosiba

Stear's artist inspirations

